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By Sigrid Weidenweber

A Harsh Wind from the East

Second edition

East and West. Heaven and hell. Sigrid’s young life found her first on the losing side of a world war and then overrun by Russians and the soul-crushing communism they espoused. By 19 she already understood the torment before her and began to plot her path to freedom. A Harsh Wind from the East recounts the brutalities of communism and a pain that never fully heals.

Best Selling Author

Sigrid Weidenweber

Sigrid Weidenweber met her husband when he was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army. She immigrated to the United States in 1965 where she raised two children and now works to instill the value of freedom in her grandchildren. She is a world traveler, celebrated author and unceasing ambassador for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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The Volga Germans


From Gulag to Freedom



With great skill and passion Sigrid Weidenweber unveils an epic and important historical journey, bringing to life the danger, violence, and intrigue of European royalty through the eyes of one of its most prominent and fascinating members.

– Tim Green, New York Times Bestselling Fiction Author

Another best seller

Available now



Carmela, Sean and Alex begin their lives seemingly as all children do, however it quickly becomes apparent that they are different from the norm. They are deviant. Their individual psychoses align them to become the perfect triumvirate for a tragic outcome. Told from the perspective of their disheartened psychologist who had attempted to straighten their paths, the book begins examining each character’s childhood and the impacts of nature and nurture and which factor weighs heaviest in their lives. The narrator examines their parents’ attempts to steer them “right” and the unseemly and inappropriate intrigues each of them have. From Sean’s experiment to see if a playmate can breathe in a bag to Alex’s courting of danger when forbidden things. Finally, we look at sexually tantalized Carmela, who, from her formative years, is fascinated by everything sexual.As the lives of these three deviants progress, their seemingly pre-programmed behaviors and thought processes lead them ever farther from the norm of their cohorts.

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